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Xiaomi Vacuum Cleaner G10 Plus

Handheld Vacuum Cleaner

789 GEL
In stock
Our advantages
Stock in stores
Suction Power
28 000 Pa
Working Time
65 Min (Minimum Power)
Charging Time
4 Hours
Wet Cleaning

Xiaomi Vacuum Cleaner G10 Plus - Xiaomi's updated handheld vacuum cleaner, which has the same power as its predecessor and is relatively energy efficient. One of the characteristics of a vacuum cleaner is the possibility of wet cleaning. It comes with a 250 milliliter water tank and a cleaning pad. The power of the vacuum cleaner motor is 425W, and the suction power is 28 000 Pa. The device is powered by a 3000 mAh battery, which takes 4 hours to charge, and the maximum working time is 65 minutes (without the rotating motorized blade).

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