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ADO A16 XE Folding Electric Bike 350W (White)

2399 GEL
In stock
Our advantages
Stock in stores
Max Speed
25 Km/h
Max Range
70 Km (With Assist Mode)
Charging Time
6 Hours
Max Load
120 KG
Shimano System
Water Resist
Full Electric Mode
Assist Mode
App Control

ADO A16 XE Folding Electric Bike - an electric bike with a sophisticated design and easy, 10-second folding capability. The bike has 16" pneumatic tires, which adds more smoothness to the ride, it also has a Shimano 7-speed transmission system, through which we can ride in the easiest and most comfortable way and at the same time select the right speed. The front and rear Double Brake Disk System ensures an even and safe ride. braking. The electric bike is equipped with an IPX5 certificate, which allows us to calmly continue walking to the destination even in rainy weather. After 5 hours of charging, it is possible to travel a distance of up to 50 km with a fully electric motor, and in the case of an assistant motor, it is possible to cover a distance of up to 70 km. The maximum load of the structure The weight is allowed up to 120 kg. The power of the electric motor is 350 W. The maximum speed of the bicycle is determined by 25 km/h.

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