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Mi Vacuum Cleaner Mini (40W)

Handheld Vacuum Cleaner

149 GEL
In stock
Our advantages
Stock in stores
Suction Power
6000 Pa
Working Time
30 Min
Charging Time
3 Hours
Wet Cleaning

If you need to deal with dust in your car, Xiaomi's wireless mini vacuum cleaner will not help you. It weighs only half a kilo and works for half an hour in a charged state, but in this short time it manages to get rid of dust and grown-up particles with its powerful suction power of 6,000 pascals. The corners are made flexible with a special brush designed for them. You can use it successfully in the kitchen as well, it will quickly absorb crumbs, coffee beans, etc. Also, it is convenient for cleaning any equipment - laptop, TV, etc. The tank is easy to empty and disassemble with one click, you can easily wash it. It is so compact that you can put it in the drawer and take it with you on the trip.

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