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Dreame Bot L10 Ultra

Robot Vacuum Cleaner

2299 GEL
In stock
Our advantages
Stock in stores
Suction Power
5300 Pa
Battery Capacity
5200 mAh
Run Time
210 Min (Quiet Mode)
Charging Time
6 Hours
Vacuum Cleaning
Mop Cleaning
2-in-1 Cleaning
360° Scanner
Yes (Dreamehome)

Dreame Bot L10 Ultra - a robot vacuum cleaner with an updated main suction brush and amazing wet cleaning capabilities. One of the important strengths of the robot is the suction power of 5300 Pa, which perfectly resists both the dust on the floor and the surface of the carpet. The robot for wet cleaning has two rotating pads that perfectly cleans any type of hard floor. It also has a function to lift the pads when moving to the mat. The robot is represented by a multi-functional self-cleaning station, which, in addition to a dust bag, is equipped with two water containers. One is filled with clean water, and the other collects dirty water. The main advantage of the self-cleaning station is the function of washing and drying the rotary pads of the robot. Thanks to the dust container in the self-contained station, uninterrupted operation of the robot is ensured for a maximum of 60 days.

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