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Dreame Bot D10S Pro

Robot Vacuum Cleaner

129900 GEL
In stock
Our advantages
Stock in stores
Suction Power
5000 Pa
Battery Capacity
5200 mAh
Run Time
280 Min (Quiet Mode)
Charging Time
6 Hours
Vacuum Cleaning
Mop Cleaning
2-in-1 Cleaning
360° Scanner
Yes (Dreamehome)

Dreame Bot D10S Pro - Updated robot vacuum cleaner from Dreame with increased suction power and updated main rotating brush. The suction power of the vacuum cleaner is 5000 Pa, which is a step forward compared to the standard 4000 Pa suction power of robot vacuum cleaners in the current price segment. Thanks to the increased suction power, it is even easier to remove dust from floors and carpets. The updated rubber brush ensures a more accurate work, easily handles the hairs on the floor and reduces the risk of hair entanglement. The 5200 mAh battery of the vacuum cleaner provides continuous operation for 280 minutes (with Quiet Mode). The main advantage of the vacuum cleaner is the possibility of AI LDS Obstacle Avoidance and Remote Video Supervision. Through AI LDS Obstacle Avoidance, the robot easily perceives the difficulty of the obstacles, sees the mentioned objects and analyzes them, through which it can easily avoid the obstacles and remember them in the mentioned locations. The Remote Video Supervision feature allows us to operate the vacuum cleaner in live mode and see all rooms and all objects in the room from its camera in high resolution.

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