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70mai Dash Cam Omni X200 128GB (Black)

649 GEL
In stock
Our advantages
Stock in stores
Full HD
Night Vision
Built-in GPS
Built-in Display
Built-in Battery
Adaptive Drive Assistant System
Micro SD Card Slot
Backup Camera Supp
Hardware Kit Supp
4G Hardware Kit Support
App Control
Yes (70mai)

70mai Dash Cam Omni - the latest and first video recorder with 360° vision capability. The registrar has a 1.2" LCD screen, through which it is easy to receive messages and quick interaction with the built-in AI MaiX The Bear Emoji. It can also send a happy birthday message. This model has eMMC type internal memory and does not require a Micro SD Card to work. The video registrar has a built-in GPS module and ADAS system. Live Streaming and Find My Car are the distinctive features of this registrar, which is enabled through the 4G Hardware Kit (sold separately). Through Live Streaming, we have the ability to directly From our mobile phone, we can see what is happening both around and inside the car. Find My Car allows us to determine the location of our car. The device records video at Full HD resolution and we can even specify both 30 and 60 frame recording. The existing video recorder has AI Motion Detection system, which will notify us both through the voice assistant and by sending a video recording about suspicious movement or damage to the vehicle.

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