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Xiaomi Smart Air Fryer Pro 4L

399 GEL
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Xiaomi Smart Air Fryer Pro 4L - the latest air fryer from Xiaomi, which has transparent glass and an updated 4L volume storage. The latest model is certainly smart like its predecessor and is connected to the Mi Home application, through which all its functions can be managed, such as: turn on, pause, delay, turn off, control temperature and time, etc. Of course, the device is equipped with a 360° temperature air distribution mechanism, through which it perfectly prepares any low-fat dish. One of the distinctive functions of the Aero Grill is Low Temperature Cooking, which operates it from 40°C to 80°C and can defrost the product and even dry the fruit. The device comes with 11 pre-loaded quick cooking modes, and through the app it is possible to view more than 100 recipes and prepare them in the existing Aero Grill. The smart aero grill can be operated both mechanically and with an app. The power of the device is 1600W, and the maximum temperature is 200°C.

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