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Ninebot KickScooter F2

1499 GEL
Out of stock
Our advantages
Max Speed
25 Km/h
Max Range
40 Km
Engine Power
Charging Time
6.5 Hours
Max Load
120 Kg
Tire Type
Pneumatic (Self-Sealing)
Uphill Ocercoming
Water Resist
App Control

Ninebot KickScooter F2 - a budget scooter of the new generation F series, equipped with innovative technologies. One of the important features of the scooter is the Traction Control System, which after its activation from the application, the traction of the scooter even on wet asphalt becomes even more reliable. . The device also has a Find My system, which works only on Apple devices, and through it the location of the scooter can be easily determined. The 10" Self-Sealing inflatable tires allow us to continue the journey even after getting something in the tire without prevention. The scooter has a rear-wheel drive tire, and the front tire is equipped with a mechanical Disc Brake system.

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