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Dreame Cordless Vacuum Cleaner V12 Pro

Handheld Vacuum Cleaner

1399 GEL ($52050)
In stock
Our advantages
Stock in stores
Suction Power
32 000 Pa
Working Time
85 Min (Minimum Power)
Charging Time
4 Hours
Wet Cleaning

Dreame Cordless Vacuum Cleaner V12 Pro - the most powerful representative of the V series with refined visuals and premium touch feeling. The vacuum cleaner has a fairly high engine speed of 160,000 RPM. It also has the most powerful 650W motor in the series. Despite such power, the vacuum cleaner works for quite a long time and the duration of operation at minimum load is 85 minutes. One of the advantages of the vacuum cleaner is the Auto Mode, through which the vacuum cleaner itself limits the suction power and motor power, which simplifies the cleaning process and makes its use even more comfortable.

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