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Viomi Smart Refrigerator (BCD-351W)

1599 GEL ($59491)
2749 GEL ($1,02277)
You save: 1150 GEL ($427.86)
In stock
Our advantages
Stock in stores
Energy Efficiency
Refrigerator Volume
257 L
Freezer Volume
94 L
Refrigerator Temperature
2°С / 8°С
Freezer Temperature
-24°С / -16°С
App Control
Yes (Mi Home)

Viomi Smart Refrigerator - a smart and NoFrost refrigerator with an energy efficiency rating of A++. The refrigerator has two main storage compartments: a refrigerator and a freezer. The volume of the refrigerator section is 257 liters, and the volume of the freezer section is 94 liters. The temperature of the refrigerator section can be changed from 2°С to 8°С, and of the freezer section from -24°С to -16°С. Humidity can be controlled on the closed compartment of the refrigerator, and the 360° air distribution mechanism of the refrigerator ensures rapid cooling of the product without mixing smells. Thanks to its quiet and economical operation, the refrigerator consumes about 680W per day, and the noise level is only 41 dB. The height of the refrigerator is 200 cm, the depth is 63.5 cm, and the width is 59.5 cm.

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