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Xiaomi Robot Vacuum S10

Robot Vacuum Cleaner

66900 GEL
In stock
Our advantages
Stock in stores
Suction Power
4000 Pa
Battery Capacity
3200 mAh
Run Time
130 Min (Standard Mode)
Charging Time
4 Hours
Vacuum Cleaning
Mop Cleaning
2-in-1 Cleaning
360° Scanner
Yes (Mi Home)

Xiaomi Robot Vacuum S10 - the latest robot vacuum cleaner in the budget segment with a 360° LDS laser sensor and Multi-Map support. The robot has a 3200 mAh battery, which, when fully charged, the duration of the robot's operation is 130 minutes, of course, in the standard mode. Regardless of the budget segment, the robot has the possibility of S-shaped, Y-shaped and Zigzag-shaped cleaning depending on the requirements of different environments. In the case of the wet cleaning mode, we are given the opportunity to manage the water supply with the possibility of choosing 3 levels, which makes it easier to carry out wet cleaning on different surfaces with the precisely selected mode. One cannot fail to mention the suction power of the robot, which is 4000 Pa, which is an unusually high indicator in the segment of budget robot vacuum cleaners.

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