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Roborock S8 Pro Ultra (White)

Robot Vacuum Cleaner

4299 GEL
In stock
Our advantages
Stock in stores
Suction Power
6000 Pa
Battery Capacity
5200 mAh
Run Time
200 Min (Standard Mode)
Charging Time
6 Hours
Vacuum Cleaning
Mop Cleaning
2-in-1 Cleaning
360° Scanner
Yes (Roborock)

Roborock S8 Pro Ultra - the latest and flagship representative of the S-series, which is equipped with the latest technologies that make the cleaning process even easier and more accurate. The vacuum cleaner has a fairly high suction power of 6000 Pa, which perfectly copes with dust particles both on the floor and on the carpet. Like the previous series, the robot retains the Mopping System with VibraRise® technology, ensuring that the wet cleaning pad rises when climbing the carpet, at the same time it has a vibrating layer of the cleaning pad, which is even more effective during wet cleaning of the floor. The robot vacuum cleaner has a completely new generation - the DuoRoller Brush system, which even more easily vacuums dust and debris both from the floor and from the surface of the carpet. The Reactive 3D Obstacle Avoidance System is built into the device, providing the ability to recognize objects with 3D scanning, determine the subsequent trajectory of work and ensure fast and flexible movement between them. The robot also has a built-in Less Collision Mode, through which the robot touches the edges of the furniture even more softly and gently, which creates additional comfort during its use. The self-contained station includes a 2.5L dust bag, which ensures the continuous operation of the robot for 7 weeks, and that's not all, the self-contained station is equipped with 2 water reservoirs, one of which is filled with clean water, which the station uses both to fill the robot and to wash its wet cleaning pad. The dirty water after washing the robot pad is collected in the second reservoir. For more convenience, the self-cleaning station is additionally equipped with a wet cleaning pad drying function.

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